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Have a Nice Day

As this is my first post here on efolio, I decided to put this video from Bon Jovi, to start things with the right foot!
What I love most about Bon Jovi is their energy, be it on stage or in clips like this one. When you hear a song from them, you feel like there is a sound track in your life (an excellent one, by the way)... You feel powerful, strong and confident about yourself, it's like you can do anything! And it happens most especially when you listen to “Have a Nice Day”.
This song amazes me because of two things: if you are down, you can hear this song to easily cheer up; the other thing is that we can take plenty of lessons from it. I’m going to explain everything after each verse and chorus in the lyrics below.

Verse 1:
“Why you wanna tell me how to live my life?
Who are you to tell me if it’s black or white?
Mama can you help me try to understand,
It’s innocence the difference between a boy and a men?
My daddy lived a lie, it’s just the price that he paid
Sacrificed his life just slaving away.”
The song shows the importance of being confident and not letting anyone else, but you take control of your life. After all, it is you who is going to live it; nobody can live your life but you. It says that you have to make your own decisions and not care about what people think about you. It’s about being free to choice. To feel powerful enough to decide which path you’re going to take and, metaphorically talking, to be the main character on the stage of your life.Bon Jovi also says that even being adults, we might be naïve sometimes. When he says his father has been a slave, we can conclude that it’s because he has believed in lies for his whole life. That’s the problem of being innocent. So, the lesson we take from this part is that we have to open our eyes. When we stop being so innocent about the world, we can see what’s really important in your life. If we believe in lies, we make ourselves slaves of the system, which means that everyone (the media, the government, the system and the people around you) is controlling your life, except you.

“Ohh, if there's one thing I hang on to
That gets me through the night
I ain't gonna do what I don't want to
I'm gonna live my life
Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice
Standing on the ledge, I'll show the wind how to fly
When the world gets in my face
I say ‘have a nice day’
Have a nice day”
The chorus is the most beautiful part of the song, because it teaches you to keep strong, despite all the difficulties. Instead of going along the crowd or doing what others want you to do, you just go living your life, being the best you can be, free to think and to live. You feel so confident, that you can keep your head up and even wish a nice day for those ones who are trying to put you down. It’s like you were defying them when you say it.

Verse 2:
“Take a look around you, nothing's what it seems
We're living in a broken home of hopes and dreams
Let me be the first to shake a helping hand
Everybody brave enough to take a stand
I knocked on every door, on every dead end street
Looking for forgiveness, and what's left to believe?”
Here, he asks you to open your eyes and see that the truth is deeply hidden in everything. Relationships are becoming too shallow. Even though people seem to be happy, deep inside, the most part of them is not. And it happens because they’re not being honest with themselves about their dreams. And what is a dream but a way to reach happiness? And the problem is that so many people have given up their dreams, that they became those sad “another one in the crowd”. This is the broken home of hopes and dreams.We have to help each other to find their dreams. We have to open each other’s eyes. Our society is so alienated, that there’s not so much things left to believe. But we can change this in the moment we look for the truth and forgiveness.

Final Chorus:
“When the world keeps trying to drag me down
I've gotta raise my hands, gonna stand my ground
I say 'hey! Have a nice day'
Have a nice day
Have a nice day”
You have to carry on, no matter what happens to you. You have to keep confident and optimist about your life. When you feel like the world is against you, you have to be strong and keep your faith… You must believe that everything is going to be right, somehow. You don’t have to fight the situations, you’re bigger than that.
Just keep calm and say: “have a nice day”.


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